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Date & Time

ZipRoutines for AVATARSEAN PALMER05-28-93 13:35
ZipCarrier DetectSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipChatSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipCommunications PortSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipAnother Carrier DetectSEAN PALMER05-28-93 13:35
ZipRemote ANSI DetectSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipDialingSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipASYNC RoutinesSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipHangup RoutineSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipAnother AVATAR RoutineSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipRing DetectSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipIs Modem Ringing ??SWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipSerial Port StuffSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipDOOR Info & File MakerSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-28-93 13:35
ZipDetect 16550A UARTKAI HENNINGSEN07-16-93 06:00
ZipVery Complete FOSSIL UnitSTEVE CONNET08-17-93 08:44
ZipSerial Base AddressesJOSE ALMEIDA08-18-93 12:29
ZipGet number of RS232 PortsJOSE ALMEIDA08-18-93 12:29
ZipGet Serial Port TimeoutJOSE ALMEIDA08-18-93 12:30
ZipGet Device FunctionERIC GIVLER08-23-93 09:16
ZipSimple Avatar codeSEAN PALMER08-27-93 20:06
ZipFossil unitRONEN MAGID08-27-93 21:24
ZipAnother Fossil UnitSTEVE GABRILOWIZ08-27-93 21:25
ZipA Simple Int14 UnitGINA DAVIS08-27-93 21:37
ZipDetect Phone RingingHERB BROWN08-27-93 21:51
ZipAnother Ring DetectMIKE MOSSERI08-27-93 21:52
ZipSmall,Good ASYNC routinesGARY GORDON09-26-93 08:45
ZipUART DetectionDAVID CRUGER10-28-93 11:40
ZipVery GOOD Async packageCHRISTIAN PHILIPPS11-02-93 05:56
ZipAccess PCBOARD UsersHELGE HELGESEN11-02-93 10:26
ZipBluewave StructuresREUBEN NELSON01-27-94 11:53
ZipUart DetectionNORBERT IGL01-27-94 11:56
ZipUart InfoMAYNARD PHILBROOK01-27-94 12:24
ZipUart DetectionBJORN FELTEN01-27-94 12:24
ZipCarrier DetectNORBERT IGL01-27-94 17:33
ZipSimple COM I/OELAD NACHMAN01-27-94 17:34
ZipAccessing The PhoneMIGUEL MARTINEZ01-27-94 17:36
ZipSimple Phone DialerWIN VAN DER VEGT01-27-94 17:36
ZipBaud RatesKELLY SMALL02-05-94 07:56
ZipCheck ALL COM portsSWAG SUPPORT TEAM02-15-94 07:43
ZipReading UART baud rate...GREG VIGNEAULT05-25-94 08:14
ZipFossil DriverSCOTT BAKER05-26-94 07:29
ZipWindows ASYNC unitWIM VAN DER VEGT08-24-94 13:21
ZipComplete Comm packageWILLEM VAN SCHAIK08-24-94 13:28
ZipFull Fossil CodeMIKE WHITAKER08-24-94 13:37
ZipGreat Fossil CodeJORDAN RITTER08-24-94 13:40
ZipFossil EngineKRISTO KIVISAAR08-24-94 13:40
ZipFlushing Fossil BuffersJOHN STEPHENSON08-24-94 13:52
ZipRIP GraphicsJASON DYER08-24-94 13:55
ZipSuperFossilWAYNE BOYD08-24-94 13:56
ZipSending Chars to the COMASGDC@ACVAX.INRE.ASU.EDU08-25-94 09:06
ZipRS-232 to serial portGREG VIGNEAULT08-25-94 09:07
ZipFossil InterruptGERHARD HOOGTERP08-25-94 09:08
ZipFossil IdentificationPATRICK BERNIER08-25-94 09:08
ZipMail ManagerANGUS C. MARCH08-25-94 09:08
ZipExample Intr($14GREG VIGNEAULT08-25-94 09:09
ZipTELIX Phone FileTHOMAS SKOGESTAD08-25-94 09:12
ZipSending A Break Signal Over the ModemDANIEL SANDS11-26-94 05:05
ZipReading the Fossil Name and VersionB.J. GUILLOT11-26-94 05:05
ZipFrontDoor Nodelist StructureFRANCOIS THUNUS11-26-94 05:05
ZipTurning Modem On/OffJOHN BALDWIN11-26-94 05:05
ZipMaximus STRUCT.200 File StructureJOHN STEPHENSON11-26-94 05:05
ZipHigh Speed Modem InitsJOHN STEPHENSON11-26-94 05:05
ZipOOP Async PackagePATRICK HUNLOCK11-26-94 05:05
ZipModem CommunicationPETER BEEFTINK11-26-94 05:05
ZipSerial Communications in PascalDAVE JARVIS11-26-94 05:05
ZipNodelist OrganizerPETER BEEFTINK11-26-94 05:05
ZipSending Strings to the ModemJOHN STEPHENSON11-26-94 05:05
ZipUart IO / Modem OpeningTHOMAS FINK11-26-94 05:05
ZipCarrier DetectWAYNE BOYD02-28-95 09:53
ZipBasic RS232 UnitSWAG SUPPORT TEAM02-28-95 10:06
ZipTerm program for turboIRA GARDINER02-28-95 10:09
ZipSimple Fossil Comm UnitALEX DEMKO05-26-95 23:00
ZipTRIBBS.SYS Dropfile FormatSEAN LAURENT05-26-95 23:02
ZipSimple Ring DetectJOHN STEPHENSON05-26-95 23:07
ZipJsDoor Chat DoorCJ CLIFFE05-26-95 23:08
ZipScrolling Bars in JSDoorJOHN STEPHENSON05-26-95 23:18
ZipParsing AddressesJOSH WHITT05-26-95 23:24
ZipProtocol Basic States TablesMARK DIGNAM05-26-95 23:25
ZipPurge the COMM PortJOHN STEPHENSON05-26-95 23:25
ZipRA User EditorEVAN DUPUIS05-26-95 23:25
ZipRA User ViewerMARTIN WOODS05-26-95 23:26
ZipComm ProgramRUSSELL SCHULZ05-26-95 23:31
ZipSerial Port InfoJOSE ANTONIO NODA09-04-95 10:56
ZipTelix Phone-directoryMARK OUELLET09-04-95 11:00
ZipTSR Ring DetectLEO TULLY09-04-95 11:56
ZipSimple Comm ProgramIRA GARDINER09-04-95 11:56
ZipNice Fossil RoutinesMICHAEL HOENIE11-22-95 13:27
ZipComms unit for fossil driver)DAVID REILLY11-22-95 15:49
ZipMinimal BBS SystemJOHN BALESHISKI02-21-96 21:04
ZipUseful Serial I/OPETER MANDRELLA02-21-96 21:04
ZipSimplified and FAST COMM RoutinesCOLIN URQUHART02-21-96 21:04
ZipCrynrware Packet Driver InterfaceOLIVER REHMANN05-31-96 09:17
ZipSend Hayes commands.NIKO VAN HAGEN05-31-96 09:17
ZipTP7 Terminal DemoSTEPHAN A. MACIEJ05-31-96 09:17
ZipActivate COM Port Off/OnBRIAN LEITHER05-31-96 09:17
ZipFOSSIL under DPMIRAUL REBANE08-30-96 09:35
ZipDialing phone using soundcardJES RAHBEK KLINKE08-30-96 09:35
ZipSending Faxes Under DOSSTEFAN CORDES08-30-96 09:36
ZipRe: WINSOCK like communication for DOS ?THOMAS KERKMANN03-04-97 13:18
ZipToggle State of 16550 UARTJON SCHNEIDER08-30-97 10:08
ZipMODEM UnitSWAG TEAM SUPPORT08-30-97 10:09
ZipX00 UnitGORDON TACKETT08-30-97 10:09
ZipModem unitUDI SHPIRER01-02-98 07:39

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