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{I've been trying to figure out how to do a fairly fast copy
in pascal. It doesn't have to be faster then Dos copy, but
I definatly DON'T want to shell out to Dos to do it!
I've got the following working... in the IDE of Turbo 6.0!
If I compile it, it wont work at all. ALSO... If you COMP
the Files to check For errors, They are there. (UGH!)
(ie, it isn't a perfect copy!)
The thing is I want to get as much as I can in each pass!
(But turbo has limits!)
Heres my code... Just rough, so no Real comments.
Program Copy (InFile, OutFile);
Uses Dos;
I, Count, BytesGot : Integer;
BP : Pointer;
FI,FO : Word;
FileName : String[80];
DirInfo : SearchRec;
BaseRec, RecSize : longInt;
FileName := ParamStr(1); {Set the SOURCE as the first ParamSTR}
Path := ParamStr(2); {Set the Dest. as the 2nd paramSTR}
If paramCount = 0 Then
Writeln('FastCopy (C) 1993 - Steven Shimatzki');
Writeln('Version : 3.0 Usage: FastCopy <Source> <Destination>');
If DirInfo.Name <> '' Then
RecSize := MaxAvail - 1024; {Get the most memory but leave some}
BaseRec := RecSize;
If RecSize > DirInfo.Size Then {If a "SMALL" File, gobble it up}
RecSize := DirInfo.Size; {In one pass! Size = Recordsize}
Count := DirInfo.Size Div RecSize; {Find out how many Passes!}
GetMem (Bp, RecSize); {Allocate memory to the dynamic Variable}
Assign (InFile,FileName); {Assign the File}
Assign (OutFile,Path); {Assign the File}
Filemode := 0; {Open the INFile as READONLY}
Reset(InFile,RecSize); {open the input}
ReWrite(OutFile,RecSize); {make the output}
For I := 1 to Count do {Do it For COUNT passes!}
Blockread(InFile,BP^,1,BytesGot); {Read 1 BLOCK}
BlockWrite(outFile,BP^,1,BytesGot); {Write 1 BLOCK}
If BytesGot <> 1 Then
Writeln('Error! Disk Full!');
{If not all read in, then I have to get the rest seperatly! partial Record!}
If Not ((Count * RecSize) = DirInfo.Size) Then
RecSize := (DirInfo.Size - (Count * RecSize)) ;
{^^^ How much is left to read? get it in one pass!}
FreeMem(Bp, BaseRec); {Dump the mem back}
GetMem(Bp, RecSize); {Get the new memory}
FileMode := 0; {Set input For readonly}
Reset (InFile,1);
Filemode := 2; {Set output For Read/Write}
Reset (OutFile,1);
Seek(InFile, (Count * BaseRec)); {Move to old location}
Seek(OutFile, (Count * BaseRec));{ same }
FI := FilePos(InFile); {Just used to see where I am in the File}
FO := FilePos(OutFile); {Under the Watch Window... Remove later}
BlockRead(InFile,Bp^,RecSize,BytesGot); {REad the File}
BlockWrite(OutFile,Bp^,RecSize,BytesGot); {Write the File}
FreeMem (Bp,RecSize);
You don't close the input- and output File when your finished With the
first count passes. Maybe your last block will not be written to disk,
when you reopen the outputFile For writing. I can't see another problem
right now.
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