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The following is a Turbo/Quick Pascal Implementation of calculating
the XModem Type of 16-bit cyclic redundancy checking (CRC).
Is there a preference For the language of the next CRC-16 example
(80x86 Assembly, BASIC, or C) ?
Program TPCRC16; { Compiler: TurboPascal 4.0+ & QuickPascal 1.0+ }
{ Turbo Pascal 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC) a.la. XModem }
{ Greg Vigneault, Box 7169, Station A, toronto, Canada M5W 1X8. }
Const Beep = #7; { ASCII bell tone }
Type bArray = Array [1..$4000] of Byte; { define buffer }
bPointer = ^bArray; { Pointer to buffer }
Var DataPtr : bPointer; { Pointer to data }
fName : String; { File name }
fHandle : File; { File handle }
BytesIn : Word; { For counting data }
CRC16 : Integer; { running CRC-16 }
Procedure WriteHex( raw : Integer ); { display hexadecimal value }
Var ch : Char;
shft : Byte;
if (raw = 0) then Write('0') { if zero }
else begin
shft := 16; { bit count }
Repeat { isolate each hex nibble, and convert to ASCII }
DEC( shft, 4 ); { shift by nibble }
ch := CHR( raw SHR shft and $F or orD('0') ); {0..9 }
if (ch > '9') then inC( ch, 7 ); {A..F }
Write( ch ); { display the digit }
Until (shft = 0);
end {WriteHex};
Function UpdateCRC16(CRC : Integer; { CRC-16 to update }
InBuf : bPointer; { Pointer to data }
InLen : Integer) :Integer; { data count }
Var Bit, ByteCount : Integer;
Carry : Boolean; { catch overflow }
For ByteCount := 1 to InLen do { all data Bytes }
For Bit := 7 doWNto 0 do begin { 8 bits per Byte }
Carry := CRC and $8000 <> 0; { shift overlow? }
CRC := CRC SHL 1 or InBuf^[ByteCount] SHR Bit and 1;
if Carry then CRC := CRC xor $1021; { apply polynomial }
end; { For Bit & ByteCount } { all Bytes & bits }
UpdateCRC16 := CRC; { updated CRC-16 }
end {UpdateCRC16};
if ( MaxAvail < Sizeof(bArray) ) then begin { check For memory }
WriteLn( 'not enough memory!', Beep );
if (ParamCount <> 1) then begin { File name input? }
WriteLn( 'Use TPCRC16 <fName>', Beep );;
fName := ParamStr(1); { get File name }
Assign( fHandle, fName ); { open the File }
{$i-} Reset( fHandle, 1 ); {$i+} { open succeeded? }
if (IoResult <> 0) then begin { if not ... }
WriteLn( 'File access ERRor', Beep );
New( DataPtr ); { allocate memory }
CRC16 := 0; { initialize CRC-16 }
BlockRead( fHandle, DataPtr^[1], Sizeof(bArray), BytesIn );
CRC16 := UpdateCRC16( CRC16, DataPtr, BytesIn );
Until (BytesIn <> Sizeof(bArray)) or Eof(fHandle);
Close( fHandle ); { close input File }
DataPtr^[1] := 0; DataPtr^[2] := 0; { insert two nulls }
CRC16 := UpdateCRC16( CRC16, DataPtr, 2 ); { For final calc }
Dispose( DataPtr ); { release memory }
Write( 'The CRC-16 of File ', fName, ' is $' );
WriteHex( CRC16 ); WriteLn;
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