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> If anyone is interested in the BAsm GotoXY/WhereX/WhereY routines
> I'll be happy to post them. They use standard BIOS routines, and
I simply followed an Interrupt listing I had to create these Functions.
Note the DEC commands in GotoXY, and the INC command in Each WHERE* Function.
These are there to make the Procedures/Functions Compatible With the TP Crt
routines, which are 1-based. (ie: 1,1 in TP.Crt is upper left hand corner).
The BIOS routines need to be given 0,0 For the same coordinates. If you don't
want to remain Compatible With Turbo's GotoXY and WHERE* Functions, delete them
out and keep your code Zero-based For X/Y screen coords.
Procedure GotoXY(X,Y : Byte); Assembler; Asm
MOV DH, Y { DH = Row (Y) }
MOV DL, X { DL = Column (X) }
DEC DH { Adjust For Zero-based Bios routines }
DEC DL { Turbo Crt.GotoXY is 1-based }
MOV BH,0 { Display page 0 }
INT 10h
Function WhereX : Byte; Assembler;
MOV AH,3 {Ask For current cursor position}
MOV BH,0 { On page 0 }
INT 10h { Return inFormation in DX }
INC DL { Bios Assumes Zero-based. Crt.WhereX Uses 1 based }
MOV AL, DL { Return X position in AL For use in Byte Result }
Function WhereY : Byte; Assembler;
MOV AH,3 {Ask For current cursor position}
MOV BH,0 { On page 0 }
INT 10h { Return inFormation in DX }
INC DH { Bios Assumes Zero-based. Crt.WhereY Uses 1 based }
MOV AL, DH { Return Y position in AL For use in Byte Result }
Note that the WhereX and WhereY Function call the exact same Bios function.
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