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{set of char = array [1..32] of byte where each bit=1 if char is in set}
function aepos(const str:string; chs:charset; xst:byte):byte; assembler;
push ds
lds si,str
les di,chs
mov bl,xst {xst is a copy of byte value , we can use it as i}
xor bh,bh
mov al,[si+bx] {str[i]}
mov ah,1
mov dx,32
call @BitMask {Input: al=char; Output: al=char mask, bx=chs offset}
test al,es:[di+bx] {str[i] in chs ?}
jnz @2 {yes}
mov al,xst {i}
cmp al,[si] {i>length(str) ?}
ja @2 {yes}
inc xst {i}
jmp @1
mov al,xst
pop ds
jmp @exit
@BitMask: {used ZBitMask from BP7 RTL ("seth.asm")}
mov ch,al
mov cl,3
shr ch,cl
sub ch,dh
jc @3
cmp ch,dl
jae @3
mov bl,ch
xor bh,bh
and al,7
mov cl,al
mov al,ah
rol al,cl
retn {!}
xchg dx,ax
xor bx,bx
retn {!}
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