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> Which date is what day For a particular month.
Zeller's Congruence is an algorithm that calculates a day of the week given
a year, month and day. Created in 1887(!). Jeff Duntemann of PC Techniques
fame implemented it in TP in the 11/90 issue of Dr Dobbs Journal, With a
(115 min left), (H)elp, More? major kludge because TP's MOD operator returns a remainder instead of a
True mathematical modulus. I added the Kludge Alert banner that I use in my
own code.
Function CalcDayOfWeek(Year, Month, Day : Integer) : Integer;
Holder : Integer;
{ First test For error conditions on input values: }
if (Year < 0) or (Month < 1) or (Month > 12) or (Day < 1) or (Day > 31) then
CalcDayOfWeek := -1 { Return -1 to indicate an error }
{ Do the Zeller's Congruence calculation as Zeller himself }
{ described it in "Acta Mathematica" #7, Stockhold, 1887. }
{ First we separate out the year and the century figures: }
Century := Year div 100;
Year := Year MOD 100;
{ Next we adjust the month such that March remains month #3, }
{ but that January and February are months #13 and #14, }
{ *but of the previous year*: }
if Month < 3 then
Inc(Month, 12);
if Year > 0 then
Dec(Year, 1) { The year before 2000 is }
else { 1999, not 20-1... }
Year := 99;
{ Here's Zeller's seminal black magic: }
Holder := Day; { Start With the day of month }
Holder := Holder + (((Month + 1) * 26) div 10); { Calc the increment }
Holder := Holder + Year; { Add in the year }
Holder := Holder + (Year div 4); { Correct For leap years }
Holder := Holder + (Century div 4); { Correct For century years }
Holder := Holder - Century - Century; { DON'T KNOW WHY HE DID THIS! }
{***********************KLUDGE ALERT!***************************}
While Holder < 0 do { Get negative values up into }
Inc(Holder, 7); { positive territory before }
{ taking the MOD... }
Holder := Holder MOD 7; { Divide by 7 but keep the }
{ remainder rather than the }
{ quotient }
{***********************KLUDGE ALERT!***************************}
{ Here we "wrap" Saturday around to be the last day: }
if Holder = 0 then
Holder := 7;
{ Zeller kept the Sunday = 1 origin; computer weenies prefer to }
{ start everything With 0, so here's a 20th century kludge: }
CalcDayOfWeek := Holder; { Return the end product! }
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