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> How do you get Delphi to execute system commands such as copy and rename?
> I tried using WINEXEC, but it doesn't recognize copy. It does handle the
> commands if I put them in a .bat file. I need this application to work
> across all three platforms (95, NT, 3.1). Do I have to do this with bat
> files? (yuck)
> Joe Silva
> p.s. Please reply via mail too. Thanks.
Try something like the following:
procedure CopyDos (FileIn, FileOut: PChar);
CommandLine: array[0..$FF] of Char;
StrCopy (CommandLine, GetEnvVar ('COMSPEC'));
StrCat (CommandLine, ' /c copy ');
StrCat (CommandLine, FileIn);
StrCat (CommandLine, ' ');
StrCat (CommandLine, FileOut);
WinExec (CommandLine, sw_Hide);
COMSPEC is necessary in case you are running DR DOS.
Best regards,
Michael Vincze
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