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RUNTIME.PAS  in EXEC.SWG     0040 03/03 79/89   89%
  Including this unit in your program should replace all the runtime
  errors with messages that are a bit more helpful than "Runtime error
  202". No special calls are necessary, just include it on your "uses"

Unit RunTime;


Function Hex(Value:byte):string;


var OldExit:pointer;

Function Hex(Value:byte):string;

const HexTable:array[0..15] of Char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7',

var HexStr : string;

  HexStr[2]:=HexTable[Value and $0F];        { Convert low nibble }
  HexStr[1]:=HexTable[Value and $F0 div 16]; { Convert high nibble }
  HexStr[0]:=#2; { Set Stringlength }
{ Try to handle all possible errors }

Procedure RunTimeExitProc;Far;

var Message : string;

  if ErrorAddr<>Nil then { If error occurs }
        case ExitCode of { Pick the appropriate message }
            2:Message:='File not found ';
            3:Message:='Path not found ';
            4:Message:='Too many open files ';
            5:Message:='File access denied ';
            6:Message:='Invalid file handle ';
            8:Message:='Insufficient memory ';
           12:Message:='Invalid file access code ';
           15:Message:='Invalid drive number ';
           16:Message:='Cannot remove current directory ';
           17:Message:='Cannot rename across drives ';
          100:Message:='Disk read error ';
          100:Message:='Disk write error ';
          102:Message:='File not assigned ';
          103:Message:='File not open ';
          104:Message:='File not open for input ';
          105:Message:='File not open for output ';
          106:Message:='Invalid numeric format ';
          150:Message:='Disk is write-protected ';
          151:Message:='Unknown unit ';
          152:Message:='Drive not ready ';
          153:Message:='Unknown command ';
          154:Message:='CRC error in data ';
          155:Message:='Bad drive request structure length ';
          156:Message:='Disk seek error ';
          157:Message:='Unknown media type ';
          158:Message:='Sector not found ';
          159:Message:='Printer out of paper ';
          160:Message:='Device write fault ';
          161:Message:='Device read fault ';
          162:Message:='Hardware failure ';
          200:Message:='Division by zero ';
          201:Message:='Range check error ';
          202:Message:='Stack overflow error ';
          203:Message:='Heap overflow error ';
          204:Message:='Invalid pointer operation ';
          205:Message:='Floating-point overflow ';
          206:Message:='Floating-point underflow ';
          207:Message:='Invalid floating-point operation ';
          208:Message:='Overlay manager not installed ';
          209:Message:='Overlay file read error ';
          210:Message:='Object not initialized ';
          211:Message:='Call to abstract method ';
          212:Message:='Stream register error ';
          213:Message:='Collection index out of range ';
          214:Message:='Collection overflow error ';
      writeln('Error:',ExitCode,' Segment:',Hex(seg(ErrorAddr^)),
              ' Offset:',Hex(ofs(ErrorAddr^)),' ',Message);
      ExitCode:=1;   { End program with errorlevel 1 when error occurs }
  ExitProc:=OldExit; { Restore the original exit procedure }
  OldExit:=ExitProc;          { Save the original exit procedure }
  ExitProc:=@RunTimeExitProc; { Insert the RunTime exit procedure }

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