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Here's an example of one of the possibilities mode-q offers. Of course the same
can be done in any other mode, too... Well, just check it out. To Jens and the
other carefull ones: keep being carefull (read the text).
{$define cpu386}
program creditscroll;
{ Made by Bas van Gaalen, Holland, PD }
vseg:word=$a000; fseg=$f000; fofs=$fa6e; lines=45;
txt:array[0..lines-1] of string[30]=(
'This is a credits-scroll',
'in mode-q: 256x256x256.',
'That''s a chained mode, with',
'a lineair addressing sceme.',
'The graphics-screen is',
'initialized in the unit',
'umodeq. It''s enclosed in the',
'next message (I hope).','','',
'and so the credits go to','','',
'...Bas van Gaalen...','','',
'Btw: this is quite lame:',
'not even a hardware-scroll!',
'But it''s just to show the',
'nice overscan-mode...','',
'Uuuhm, can someone supply',
'some shit, to fill up this',
'Oyeah, before I forget,',
'mode-q is a tweaked mode,',
'and it plays a bit with the',
'So again: I won''t take any',
'responsebilty for this code!',
'It works fine on my ET-4000.','','','',
'Gayle, place this in the SWAG',
'if you like...','','','','','','','','');
procedure retrace; assembler; asm
mov dx,3dah; @vert1: in al,dx; test al,8; jz @vert1
@vert2: in al,dx; test al,8; jnz @vert2; end;
procedure moveup; assembler; asm
push ds; mov es,vseg; mov ds,vseg; xor di,di; mov si,0100h
{$ifdef cpu386} mov cx,255*256/4; db $66; rep movsw
{$else} mov cx,255*256/2; rep movsw {$endif} pop ds; end;
var i,j,slidx,txtidx:byte;
txtidx:=0; slidx:=0;
for i:=1 to length(txt[txtidx]) do for j:=0 to 7 do
if ((mem[fseg:fofs+ord(txt[txtidx][i])*8+slidx] shl j) and 128)<>0 then
mem[vseg:$fe00+i*8+(256-8*length(txt[txtidx])) div
2+j]:=32+txtidx+slidx+j; moveup;
slidx:=(1+slidx) mod 8;
if slidx=0 then txtidx:=(1+txtidx) mod lines;
until keypressed;
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