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Program SaruFont;
{ Mail suggestions & Improvements to eddy.jansson@saru.ct.se }
Uses Dos,Crt;
F :File;
BytesRead :Word;
Font :Array[1..8192] of Byte; { Better safe than sorry ;}
font: db 5,32,58 { Fontheight,first defined character, characters defined }
db width,bitmapline1,bitmapline2..bitmapline[height]
SmallFont :Array[1..357] of byte = (5, 32, 58, { Space to 'Z' }
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 64, 64, 64, 0, 64, 3,144,144, 0,
0, 0, 3,144,248,144,248,144, 3, 96,128, 64, 32,192, 3, 0,144, 32, 64,
144, 3, 64,160, 64, 0,224, 3, 64,128, 0, 0, 0, 3, 32, 64, 64, 64, 32,
3, 64, 32, 32, 32, 64, 3,144, 96, 96,144, 0, 3, 32, 32,248, 32, 32, 2,
0, 0, 0, 64,128, 3, 0, 0,240, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 3, 8,
16, 32, 64,128, 3, 64,160,160,160, 64, 3, 64,192, 64, 64,224, 3,224, 32,
64,128,224, 3,224, 32,224, 32,224, 3,160,160,224, 32, 32, 3,224,128,224,
32,224, 3,224,128,224,160,224, 3,224, 32, 32, 32, 32, 3, 64,160, 64,160,
64, 3,224,160,224, 32, 32, 3, 0, 96, 0, 0, 96, 3, 0, 96, 0, 0, 96,
3, 64,128, 0,128, 64, 3, 0,240, 0,240, 0, 3, 32, 16, 8, 16, 32, 3,
192, 32, 64, 0, 64, 3,240, 8,104, 72, 8, 3,224,160,224,160,160, 3,192,
160,192,160,192, 3,224,128,128,128,224, 3,192,160,160,160,192, 3,224,128,
192,128,224, 3,224,128,192,128,128, 3,224,128,160,160,224, 3,160,160,224,
160,160, 3,224, 64, 64, 64,224, 3,224, 32, 32, 32,224, 3,160,160,192,160,
160, 3,128,128,128,128,224, 3,160,224,160,160,160, 3,160,224,224,160,160,
3, 64,160,160,160, 64, 3,192,160,192,128,128, 3, 64,160,160,224, 96, 3,
192,160,192,192,160, 3, 96,128, 64, 32,192, 3,192, 32, 32, 32, 32, 3,160,
160,160,160,224, 3,160,160,160,160, 64, 5,136,168,168,168, 80, 3,160,160,
64,160,160, 3,160,160, 64, 64, 64, 3,224, 32, 64,128,224);
Procedure SRMUserFont(const Font: Pointer;const X,Y: Word;
const Color: Byte;const S: String); Assembler;
{ Write to a 320*200*256 screen using a variable width font.
Please note that this is my first ever asm-routine, and
because of that you'll have to use nullterminated pascalstrings,
_OR_ you could just hack the code.. :-) // Eddy.Jansson@saru.ct.se }
CharHeight :Byte;
ScreenPTR :Word;
push ds
mov ax,0a000h { Setup ES:[BX] = X,Y to plot at }
mov es,ax
mov bx,x
mov ax,y
xchg ah,al
add bx,ax
shr ax,2
add bx,ax
(* Use this instead if you have a Lookuptable:
mov bx,y { Setup ES:[BX] = X,Y to plot at }
add bx,bx
mov ax,$a000 { easily modified to point to a virtual screen }
mov es,ax { Lookup tables rules :-) }
mov bx,word ptr YTable[bx]
add bx,x { Voila! bx = offset onto screen }
lds di,font
mov dl,[di] { height of font goes into dh }
mov CharHeight,dl
inc di
mov dl,[di]
mov FirstChar,dl
mov CharNr,0 { Ugh! Character counter, not a very }
{ good method, but I'm all out of registers :-( }
inc CharNr { also skips lengthbyte! }
push ds { This I don't like, pushing and popping. }
lds si,[S] { But unfortunately I can't seem to find }
add si,CharNr { any spare registers? Intel, can you help? }
lodsb { load asciivalue into al }
pop ds
cmp al,0 { check for null-termination }
je @exit { exit if end of string }
mov ScreenPTR,BX { save bx }
mov dh,CharHeight
xor ah,ah
mov cl,firstchar { firstchar }
sub al,cl { al = currentchar - firstchar }
mov si,ax { di = scrap register }
mul dh { ax * fontheight }
add ax,si { ax + characters to skip }
lds di,font { This can be omptimized I think (preserve DI) }
add di,3 { skip header }
add di,ax { Point into structure }
mov cl,[di] { get character width }
mov ch,cl { ch is the height counter. cl is the original. }
inc di { .. now points to bitmap }
mov dl,[di] { get bitmap byte }
rol dl,1 { rotate bitmap and prepare for next pixel }
mov al,dl { mov bitmap into al for manipulation }
and al,1 { mask out the correct bit }
jz @masked { jump if transperent }
mov al,color
mov byte ptr es:[bx],al { Set the pixel on the screen }
inc bx { increment X-offset }
dec ch { are we done? last byte in character? }
jnz @nextpixel { nope, out with another pixel }
add bx,320 { Go to next line on the screen }
sub bx,cx { X-alignment fixup }
dec dh { are we done with the character? }
jnz @nextline
mov bx,ScreenPTR { restore screen offset and prepare for next character }
add bx,cx
inc bx { A little gap between the letters, thank you... }
jmp @nextchar
pop ds
mov ax,$13
int $10
{ This example font gives you about 80*32 characters/screen }
for BytesRead:=0 to 32 do
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