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Date & Time

ZipSimulate Star FieldSWAG SUPPORT TEAM07-16-93 06:46
ZipA simple Star FieldSWAG SUPPORT TEAM07-16-93 06:47
ZipA Color Star FieldSWAG SUPPORT TEAM07-16-93 06:47
ZipFAST Mode 13h Line DrawSEAN PALMER08-23-93 09:18
Zip3D RotationsSTEVE CONNET08-27-93 19:57
ZipEndpoints of PIE SegmentTHOMAS GROFF08-27-93 20:02
ZipASM FadingSTEPHEN CHEOK08-27-93 20:03
ZipIncluding BGI in EXERANDY PARKER08-27-93 20:14
ZipVery Large Graphic ImageWILBER VAN LEIJEN08-27-93 20:16
ZipDisplay Text in GraphicsRAPHAEL VANNEY08-27-93 20:18
ZipBit Map scalerSEAN PALMER08-27-93 20:18
ZipDrawing Graphic CirclesMICHAEL NICOLAI08-27-93 20:25
ZipMore Graphic CirclesMICHAEL NICOLAI08-27-93 20:25
ZipAnother Circle RoutineMIKE BURNS08-27-93 20:25
ZipSimple coppering routineSEAN PALMER08-27-93 20:28
ZipScreen FadesCHRIS BEISEL08-27-93 21:03
ZipGraphic FX UnitANDRE JAKOBS08-27-93 21:25
ZipA Simple Graph UnitSWAG SUPPORT TEAM08-27-93 21:27
ZipModeX CodeMARK DIXON08-27-93 21:37
ZipRotate Grahic ImageMIKE BRENNAN08-27-93 21:52
ZipAnother Graphic RotateSEAN PALMER08-27-93 21:52
ZipRotate PICWILLIAM SITCH08-27-93 21:52
ZipGraphic Spinning DiskWILLIAM SITCH08-27-93 21:58
ZipDrawing a B-Spline curveSEAN PALMER08-27-93 21:59
ZipAnother B-Spline CurveSEAN PALMER08-27-93 21:59
ZipAnother Star fieldBRENDEN BEAMAN08-27-93 22:00
ZipTWEAKED! Graph unitSEAN PALMER08-27-93 22:08
ZipView PCX FileNORMAN YEN10-28-93 11:35
ZipAnother STARSBAS VAN GALLEN10-28-93 11:39
ZipSimple & QUICK GraphicsSTEVE BOUTILIER11-02-93 04:50
ZipDisplay PCX FilesNORMAN YEN11-02-93 05:30
ZipDisplay PIC FilesDAVE FOSTER11-02-93 05:31
ZipWriting to Graphic PagesRANDY PARKER11-02-93 05:49
ZipScalable HEX ScreenVINCE LAURENT11-02-93 05:52
ZipQuick PutImageNICK ONOUFRIOU11-02-93 05:54
ZipLoading Images from DiskSTEFAN XENOS11-02-93 05:55
ZipAnother QUICK PutImageSEAN PALMER11-02-93 05:56
ZipFadingKEVIN OTTO11-02-93 06:11
ZipTransparent PutImageSEAN PALMER11-02-93 17:24
ZipBresenham LineSEAN PALMER11-02-93 17:44
ZipCreate Chars in GraphicsMICHAEL HOENIE11-21-93 09:28
ZipWriting PCX filesWILLIAM PLANKE11-21-93 09:44
ZipDISPLAY Text in GraphicsRAPHAEL VANNEY11-26-93 17:01
Zip3D RotationPETER M. GRUHN01-27-94 11:51
ZipBresenham's LineSEAN PALMER01-27-94 11:58
ZipGif Source 1LIOR BAR-ON01-27-94 12:05
ZipGIF CodeTHORSTEN BARTH01-27-94 12:07
ZipVGA256 UnitBERNIE PALLEK01-27-94 12:07
ZipLine DrawingJASEN BETTS01-27-94 12:07
ZipGraphics ImagesJORDAN PHILLIPS01-27-94 12:09
ZipFlood FillingSEAN PALMER01-27-94 12:11
ZipMasked ImagesTIM JENSEN01-27-94 12:13
ZipModeX ScrollingJENS LARSSON01-27-94 12:14
ZipImagesRICHARD MOREY01-27-94 12:15
ZipPalette ManiputlationDAVID DAHL01-27-94 12:17
ZipPCX FilesLIOR BAR-ON01-27-94 12:17
ZipPlasmaDAVID DAHL01-27-94 12:18
ZipPoly DrawingSEAN PALMER01-27-94 12:18
ZipCOD ImagesKAI ROHRBACHER01-27-94 12:20
ZipShade BobsBAS VAN GAALEN01-27-94 12:21
ZipSprite TalkSEAN PALMER01-27-94 12:22
ZipSprite InfoHARALDS JAKOVELS01-27-94 12:22
ZipTexturesVARIOUS - SEE BELOW01-27-94 12:23
ZipPCX WritingWILLIAM PLANKE01-27-94 12:25
ZipMode 13 DemoGREG ESTABROOKS01-27-94 13:32
ZipMisc Graphic FunctionsGREG ESTABROOKS01-27-94 13:32
Zip3D Graphics BoxPETER KOLDING01-27-94 17:32
ZipMoving a Shape across CRTBAS VAN GAALEN01-27-94 17:37
Zip3D Landscape SourceSEAN PALMER01-27-94 17:46
ZipMODE 13H Graphics UnitBERNIE PALLEK01-27-94 17:46
ZipRIP Bezier CurvesSEAN PALMER02-03-94 09:18
ZipMore RIP Bezier CurvesSCOTT BRADSHAW02-03-94 09:19
ZipAnother Bezier CurveNICK ONOUFRIOU02-03-94 09:19
ZipFire GraphicFIASAL JUMA02-03-94 10:55
ZipWriting Text in GraphicsSWAG SUPPORT TEAM02-03-94 10:58
ZipLoading PCX FilesOLAF BARTELT02-03-94 16:17
ZipMaking VGA RainDON LABARRE02-03-94 16:18
ZipVector codingBAS VAN GAALEN02-03-94 16:19
ZipMoving landscapeBAS VAN GAALEN02-05-94 07:56
ZipCheckerBoardDAVID DAHL02-09-94 11:50
ZipTextmode EffectsLENNERT BAKKER02-18-94 06:59
Zip7 Segment clockWIM VAN DER VEGT05-25-94 08:02
ZipVirtual ScreensRYAN PETRIE05-25-94 08:02
ZipFading UNITFLORIAN ANSORGE05-25-94 08:13
ZipDelux Paint II LBM decodeWIM VAN DER VEGT05-25-94 08:20
ZipPCX *IN* Pascal!RICKY BOOTH05-25-94 08:20
ZipPlasmaPETER GRUHN05-25-94 08:20
ZipRE: PLASMA (revisited)KAARE BOEEGH05-25-94 08:20
ZipRe: Virtual Reality.JOHN SHIPLEY05-25-94 08:21
ZipRibbon scroll..GLEN JEH05-25-94 08:22
ZipMulticolour Text ScrollOSCAR WAHLBERT05-25-94 08:22
ZipFaster SpritesPIETER KIRKHAM05-25-94 08:23
ZipStarry night simulationANDREW GOLOVIN05-25-94 08:23
ZipWormholeALEX CHALFIN05-25-94 08:25
ZipImage to FilePAUL BROMAN05-26-94 06:18
ZipScreen Dump To FileMARTIN RICHARDSON05-26-94 06:18
ZipPascal ImageSEAN MARTENS05-26-94 06:20
ZipGIF ViewingSEAN WENZEL05-26-94 10:58
Zip3D Rotation ObjectsDAVID ROZENBERG08-24-94 12:55
ZipBounce v1.1JOHN HOWARD08-24-94 13:26
ZipCannon Ball AnimationLUIS MEZQUITA RAYA08-24-94 13:27
ZipCoordinate SystemsJOHN HOWARD08-24-94 13:28
ZipDOT Matrix LED EffectIAIN WHYTE08-24-94 13:32
ZipFast Line DrawingJENS LARSSON08-24-94 13:37
ZipFast PolygonsDAAN DE HAAS08-24-94 13:37
ZipFire GraphicALEX CHALFIN08-24-94 13:38
ZipGif info displayDAVID DANIEL ANDERSON08-24-94 13:40
ZipGraphic CompressionERIC MILLER08-24-94 13:41
ZipPallete HandlingPAUL BROMAN08-24-94 13:42
ZipMODE-X RoutinesGARTH KRUMINS08-24-94 13:46
ZipPcx Viewer!JAMES COOK08-24-94 13:50
ZipVga 256 Color PCXOLAF BARTELT08-24-94 13:50
ZipPcx Bitmap RotatingANDREW EIGUS08-24-94 13:50
ZipGrabbing Pixel ColorJENS LARSSON08-24-94 13:50
ZipLandscapeMARCIN BORKOWSKI08-24-94 13:50
ZipplasmaJONAS MALMSTEN08-24-94 13:50
ZipVGA 640X480x16OLAF BARTELT08-24-94 13:50
ZipMoving PoligonLUIS MEZQUITA08-24-94 13:51
ZipSCI File ViewerSIMEON SPRY08-24-94 13:56
ZipScroll BarsBAS VAN GAALEN08-24-94 13:56
ZipScrolling ImagesJENS LARSSON08-24-94 13:56
ZipSprite GameJOHN HOWARD08-24-94 13:58
ZipAnother Fire GraphicERIC COOLMAN08-24-94 17:50
ZipTransparent 3D VectorsDAVID DAHL08-24-94 17:53
ZipSave/Restore GraphicsRICH VERAA08-24-94 17:54
ZipX3dunitLUIS MEZQUITA08-24-94 17:55
ZipX-mode Write Mode ExampleANDREW GOLOVIN08-24-94 17:56
ZipFastest Putpixel?KIMMO K K FREDRIKSSON08-25-94 09:07
ZipVirtual world plottingYUAN LIU08-25-94 09:08
ZipStars AGAIN!!!!MIKE CHURCH08-25-94 09:11
ZipStoring 3D GraphicsBOB SCHOR08-25-94 09:11
ZipFlame CodeDEGRACE KEITH11-26-94 05:01
ZipMandelbrot and Julia MakerMIGUEL MARTINEZ11-26-94 05:01
ZipGouraud ShadingJOHN HOWARD11-26-94 05:01
ZipBitmap ScalerALEX CHALFIN11-26-94 05:01
ZipJPEG/JFIF Height & WidthRENE VAN HOORN11-26-94 05:01
ZipJPEG SpecsOLIVER FROMME11-26-94 05:01
ZipProgramming Mode $12 GraphicsJORT BLOEM11-26-94 05:02
ZipMode-X Raw Image PutBAS VAN GAALEN11-26-94 05:02
ZipX-Mode Full InformationROBERT SCHMIDT11-26-94 05:02
ZipAzimuth lineBRENT HERRING11-26-94 05:02
ZipFast Snow FlakesWILLIAM BARATH11-26-94 05:02
ZipLoading 256 Color BitmapsKRISJANIS GALE11-26-94 05:02
ZipSprite EngineMARIUS KJELDAHL11-26-94 05:02
ZipGravityBAS VAN GAALEN11-26-94 05:02
ZipSVGA Plotting that WORKS!JASON RENNIE11-26-94 05:02
ZipPartial Screen FadesTOMER LICHTASH11-26-94 05:02
ZipVoxel-Graphics EngineBAS VAN GAALEN11-26-94 05:02
Zipcredits scrollerBAS VAN GAALEN11-26-94 05:02
ZipVoxel-Graphics ExplainedPATRICK LEUNG11-26-94 05:02
ZipShow Mono PCX fileROB HARBERS11-26-94 05:02
ZipWormholeBAS VAN GAALEN11-26-94 05:02
ZipGravity displayCAMERON CLARK11-26-94 05:02
ZipJust a little GFX TPU...CHRIS AUSTIN11-26-94 05:02
ZipCapture/Restore Graphics ScreenKRESIMIR MIHALJ11-26-94 05:02
ZipSnow fall graphicWILLIAM BARATH11-26-94 05:02
ZipAnother WormholeBAS VAN GAALEN11-26-94 05:02
Zipsprites w/ virtual screenCAMERON CLARK02-28-95 10:00
ZipLine & Circle routinesALLYN CROSS02-28-95 10:06
ZipVector Line IntersectionPAUL SANTA-MARIA02-28-95 10:06
Zippouring sandMARCIN BORKOWSKI02-28-95 10:06
ZipTexture VectorALEX CHALFIN02-28-95 10:10
ZipVoxelsALEX CHALFIN02-28-95 10:11
ZipBMP File FormatKRIS VANDERMOTTEN05-26-95 22:59
ZipBMP and PCX File Format DescriptionsJAN WILMANS05-26-95 22:59
ZipBresnaham Circle AlgorithmJASON RENNIE05-26-95 22:59
ZipDouble and Triple BufferingMARCIN BORKOWSKI05-26-95 23:00
ZipDraing Circles in Mode-XRICK HAINES05-26-95 23:00
ZipFloodfillCHRISTOPHER CHANDRA05-26-95 23:05
ZipBASM Getimage and PutimageJASON RENNIE05-26-95 23:09
Zip3D Graphics AlgorithmsALEX CHALFIN05-26-95 23:19
ZipVGA - Borland Palette ExplainedRANDALL ELTON DING05-26-95 23:23
ZipSuper Palette UnitRICK HAINES05-26-95 23:23
ZipSuper Fast PolysJEROEN BOUWENS05-26-95 23:25
ZipFast Get/PutImageGERALD GUTIERREZ05-26-95 23:25
ZipAnother Quick PutImageDAVID CORDER05-26-95 23:25
ZipTransparent PutImageJASON RENNIE05-26-95 23:25
ZipVector Math & RoutinesCLIVE MOSES05-26-95 23:31
ZipEasy Creation of BITMAPSBOJAN LANDEKIC05-27-95 10:34
ZipDisplay a rotating spiralMARIO VAN DEN ANCKER05-27-95 10:36
Zip3D RotationAXEL PLINGE09-04-95 10:27
ZipGraphics Cube RotationsKISZLEY LASZLO09-04-95 10:27
ZipRotating Screen SpiralMARIO VAN DEN ANCKER09-04-95 10:57
Zip3840 Color Mode XDAVID DAHL09-04-95 11:04
ZipA Putpixel BenchmarkANDREAS JUNG11-22-95 13:21
ZipBMP headersHERMAN DULLINK11-22-95 13:22
ZipFLI Format & SourceTOMASZ FORMANOWSKI11-22-95 13:27
ZipGraphics In AssemblerJANI ALANEN11-22-95 13:27
ZipGif decoderPAUL HURST11-22-95 13:27
ZipSimple 320x200x256 graphiCHRIS AUSTIN11-22-95 13:27
ZipCheck for graphmodePING HANSEN11-22-95 13:27
ZipRe: PHONG Shading (PLASMA)ALEXIS DOMJAN11-22-95 13:29
ZipVESA BMP ViewerHERMAN DULLINK11-22-95 13:33
ZipYet another PCX viewerJANI ALANEN11-22-95 15:49
ZipBGI Get/Put UnitUDO JUERSS02-21-96 21:03
ZipDrawing DOOM-like floorsGEORGE HARROWER02-21-96 21:04
ZipPupixel Procedure!ANDREW BURCH02-21-96 21:04
ZipA short FIRE routineMIKE FLYNN05-31-96 09:16
ZipPCX ViewerJAVIER PEREZ VIGO05-31-96 09:16
ZipPartial JPEG File infoCAMERON CLARK05-31-96 09:16
ZipOrbit SimulatorRYAN@EMIKO.IGCOM.NET05-31-96 09:16
ZipMode-X one row pixel moveJONAS MAEBE05-31-96 09:16
ZipGIF Extract UtilitySCOTT TUNSTALL05-31-96 09:17
ZipGrab 256 Color PCX and save to fileSCOTT TUNSTALL05-31-96 09:17
ZipGraphics Image ViewerSCOTT TUNSTALL05-31-96 09:17
ZipInteresting Circle GraphicsSUNE MARCHER05-31-96 09:17
ZipInteresting Flaming Lines GraphicSUNE MARCHER05-31-96 09:17
ZipNice Graphics UnitSUNE MARCHER05-31-96 09:17
ZipMorphing linesSUNE MARCHER05-31-96 09:17
ZipVarious SINUS GraphicsSUNE MARCHER05-31-96 09:17
ZipHypnotic Sinus DemoSUNE MARCHER05-31-96 09:17
ZipImproved Graphics Rountines Part 1SCOTT TUNSTALL05-31-96 09:17
ZipImproved Graphics Rountines Part 2SCOTT TUNSTALL05-31-96 09:17
ZipFast Pcx-RoutinesCARLOS SANCHEZ GARCIA08-30-96 09:35
ZipInteger Graphics ScalerDREW SHAFER08-30-96 09:35
ZipCritters Graphics DisplayRON NOSSAMAN08-30-96 09:36
ZipYet Another Plasma Drawing ExampleRON NOSSAMAN08-30-96 09:36
ZipGraphics Library (BP7)MENNO VICTOR VAN DER STAR11-29-96 08:17
ZipVery FAST VGA Graphics unitSCOTT TUNSTALL11-29-96 08:17
ZipVery nice Graphics screen clockSWAG SUPPORT TEAM11-29-96 08:17
ZipHow to draw grapichs gridsJACK NEELY11-29-96 08:17
ZipGreen Fire ProgramNICK SLAUGHTER11-29-96 08:17
ZipProcedure to load ICONS in grahics modeSWAG SUPPORT TEAM11-29-96 08:17
ZipProcedures NOT needing BGI stuffSEAN O'MALLEY11-29-96 08:17
ZipLoad and display 256 color bitmapsSWAG SUPPORT TEAM11-29-96 08:17
ZipAnother FLAME DemoNELSON CHU11-29-96 08:17
ZipFast PUTIMAGEPETR SULLA11-29-96 08:17
Zip3D Raycasting engine w/joystick controlWILLIAM YU11-29-96 08:17
ZipInteger Math StarfieldJACK MOTT11-29-96 08:17
ZipLoad in a 256 colour PCX and saveSCOTT TUNSTALL11-29-96 08:17
ZipDisplay scaleable LCD numbersLEOPOLDO SALVO MASSIEU11-29-96 08:17
ZipYet another FIRE routineGERHARD PIRAN11-29-96 08:19
ZipSimple Lightning effectNELSON CHU11-29-96 08:21
ZipMagnify glass moving over ANY backgroundJACO VAN NIEKERK11-29-96 08:21
ZipFast Graphics UnitSWAG SUPPORT TEAM03-04-97 13:18
ZipLeast Squares method interpolationALEKSANDAR DLABAC03-04-97 13:18
ZipBezier Curve ExampleALEKSANDAR DLABAC03-04-97 13:18
ZipComplete Unit for BMP ImagesALEKSANDAR DLABAC03-04-97 13:18
ZipFAST ASM Clipped MaskingWESLEY BURNS03-04-97 13:18
ZipFast graphics - PutPixel and CircleRYAN JONES03-04-97 13:18
ZipAnother Fractal 3DRYAN JONES03-04-97 13:18
ZipYet Another Fractal 3DRYAN JONES03-04-97 13:18
ZipDos Icon ViewerAVONTURE CHRISTOPHE03-04-97 13:18
ZipGraphics Screen Handling unitSWAG SUPPORT TEAM03-04-97 13:18
ZipScrolling Map: GraphicsWESLEY BURNS03-04-97 13:18
ZipLoad 256 color pcx imagesSWAG SUPPORT TEAM03-05-97 06:05
ZipSWAG GRAPHICS - AnimationWESLEY BURNS05-30-97 18:17
ZipBMP Loader/SaverELTETO EDMOND05-30-97 18:17
ZipGraphic tetris gameSWAG SUPPORT TEAM05-30-97 18:17
ZipStarfield Simulator>TOMAS LAURENZO CORONEL05-30-97 18:17
ZipYet another FLAMES unitTOMAS LAURENZO CORONEL05-30-97 18:17
ZipOrganizes Palette of 256 Color PCXSCOTT TUNSTALL05-30-97 18:17
ZipPCX Cache for graphicsSCOTT TUNSTALL05-30-97 18:17
ZipTWEAK source of fastest known ellipseGERD.PLATL@SIEMENS.AT05-30-97 18:17
ZipTP7.0 source of fastest known ellipseGERD.PLATL@SIEMENS.AT05-30-97 18:17
ZipGrab Screen Image and Save to DiskLANDON RABERN05-30-97 18:17
ZipVery Complete Graphics UnitSCOTT TUNSTALL05-30-97 18:17
ZipA nice 2 player gameBOSTJAN GABROVSEK08-30-97 10:08
ZipCool 3D Wavig FlagBOSTJAN GABROVSEK08-30-97 10:08
ZipFalling Snow DemoBOSTJAN GABROVSEK08-30-97 10:08
ZipElectric ShockBOSTJAN GABROVSEK08-30-97 10:08
ZipA nice game against the computerBOSTJAN GABROVSEK08-30-97 10:08
ZipVERY FAST VGA UnitBRAD ALLRED08-30-97 10:08
ZipWormhole GraphicJACO VAN NIEKERK08-30-97 10:08
ZipGet close RGB color paletteSCOTT TUNSTALL08-30-97 10:08
ZipFastest known ellipse algorithmGERD.PLATL@SIEMENS.AT08-30-97 10:08
ZipFast Phong ShadingTOM HAMMERSLEY08-30-97 10:08
ZipLine DemoBOSTJAN GABROVSEK08-30-97 10:09
ZipFast 3D Wavig FlagBOSTJAN GABROVSEK08-30-97 10:09
Zip3D stereogram makerBOSTJAN GABROVSEK08-30-97 10:09
ZipSpline code 4 SWAGRON NOSSAMAN08-30-97 10:09
Zipdemonstrate the fast blit functions of KSCOTT TUNSTALL08-30-97 10:09
ZipFast Assembler Graph UnitOSKARI RAUTA08-30-97 10:21
Zip"transparent sphere" routineSCOTT TUNSTALL01-02-98 07:34
ZipWater ripple demoSCOTT TUNSTALL01-02-98 07:34
ZipVery fast and usable graphics unitPAVEL STRATIL01-02-98 07:35
ZipFile IndexerMIGUEL_ANGEL01-02-98 07:35
ZipVGA 13h-mode unit for fast graphicsHARDBREAKER01-02-98 07:35
ZipSpace Sprites ProgramHUGO ROZAS01-02-98 07:35
ZipDraw 320x200 in X-ModeKJETIL FURNES01-02-98 07:35
ZipFrequency Domain SimulationROBY JOHANES01-02-98 07:35

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