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>I want to be able to transparently read a keypress. In
>other Words, I'd like to know what key is being pressed,
>but allow the keypress to return to the keyboard buffer or
>to be read by the Program that's reading it. I'd like this
>to Function as a TSR, and I need some way to Record the
>keypresses. This is a very complicated problem which I
>have consulted many advanced Programmers With. Please help
>if you are able. Thanks in advance!
It returns the Character part of the Char/scan code combo in the current
head of the keyboard buffer queue in the bios data area.
The scan code would be at the location $40:head+1.
It would probably be more efficient if you used $0:$41A instead of
$40:$1A, but that might cause problems With protected mode.
head : Word Absolute $40 : $1A;
tail : Word Absolute $40 : $1C;
Function peekKey : Char;
if head = tail then
peekKey := #0
peekKey := Char(mem[$40 : head]);
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