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JR>> Does anyone have the code (probably ASM) to turn the
JR>> CapsLock key of _and_ on as well? Thanks in advance if you
JR>> can help.
SS> Procedure TogLed (Lock: Integer);
That was a bit long for what you needed to do. Here's what I got:
program capslock;
{This program is design to test the procedure capslock_on.}
procedure capslock_on(caps:boolean);
push ds ; Save the data segment
mov al, caps ; Load in the boolean value of caps
mov bx, 0040h ; These two lines adjust the data segment
mov ds, bx ; to 40h
mov bx, 17h ; Point to address 17h
mov ch, [bx] ; Get the byte located there
mov cl, 6h ; Move 6 into cl
shl al, cl ; Shift the bit in al 6 bits to the left
and ch, 10111111b ; Reset the 6th bit at our memory location
or al, ch ; Stick in the caps bit
mov [bx], al ; Put the new byte back
pop ds ; Restore the data segment
You see, there are a host of byte that contain information like whether or not
the capslock is on. This program edits that information directly, and is
hence a lot smaller and easier to use. Hope this helps.
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