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> If I make a Assembly routine in a Turbo Pascal program,
> how can I make far jumps, calls, etc?

Here's two procedures:

procedure CallFar(Where : pointer); assembler;
  call Where

procedure JmpFar(Where : pointer); inline($cb);

> How can I make labels?
You can make local labels.

  jcxz @1
  shl  ax, cl
  add  cx, bx
But with assembly in Pascal you can also make local variables;

procedure Test; assembler;
  MyLocalVar : word; { a variable }
   mov MyLocalVar, 0 { clear contents }

> how to discover the offset of a certain instruction?

To discover the offset for a variable, you might use LEA
(Load Effective Address).
   LEA  bx, MyLocalVar { for the above example }
Will NOT return the contents of MyLocalVar, but the offset
within the stack segment to MyLocalVar.

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