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Function Hex2Bin (B : Byte) : String;
Temp : String [8];
Pos, Mask : Byte;
Temp := '00000000';
Pos := 8;
Mask := 1;
While (Pos > 0) Do
if (B and Mask)
Temp [Pos] := '1';
Dec (Pos);
Mask := 2 * Mask;
Hex2Bin := Temp;
Function Hex2Bin( HexByte:Byte ):String; External; {$L HEX2Bin.OBJ}
Var i : Integer;
For i := $00 to $0F do WriteLn( Hex2Bin(i) );
The Assembly source ...
code segment Byte 'CODE' ; HEX2Bin.Asm
assume cs:code
; Function Hex2Bin( HexByte :Byte ) :String;
String equ dWord ptr [bp+6]
HexByte equ [bp+4]
public Hex2Bin
Hex2Bin proc Near ; link into main TP Program
push bp ; preserve
mov bp,sp ; stack frame
les di, String ; result String Pointer
cld ; Forward scan
mov cx,8 ; 8 bits in a Byte
mov al,cl ; to set
stosb ; binary String length
mov ah, HexByte ; get the hex Byte
h2b: xor al,al ; cheap zero
rol ax,1 ; high bit to low bit
or al,'0' ; make it ascii
stosb ; put it in String
loop h2b ; get all 8 bits
pop bp ; restore
ret 2 ; purge stack & return
Hex2Bin endp
code ends
Here's the assembled OBJ File ...
Put all of this remaining message in a Text File named HEX2Bin.SCR,
then Type "DEBUG < HEX2Bin.SCR" (no quotes) to create HEX2Bin.ARC;
then extract HEX2Bin.OBJ using PKUNPAK or PAK ...
---------------------------- DEBUG script ----------------------------
E 0100 1A 02 48 45 58 32 42 49 4E 2E 4F 42 4A 00 5E 65 00 00 00 4A 19
E 0115 13 22 60 F2 65 00 00 00 80 0D 00 0B 68 65 78 32 62 69 6E 2E 41
E 012A 53 4D A9 96 07 00 00 04 43 4F 44 45 44 98 07 00 20 1D 00 02 02
E 013F 01 1F 90 0E 00 00 01 07 48 45 58 32 42 49 4E 00 00 00 6A 88 04
E 0154 00 00 A2 01 D1 A0 21 00 01 00 00 55 8B EC C4 7E 06 FC B9 08 00
E 0169 8A C1 AA 8A 66 04 32 C0 D1 C0 0C 30 AA E2 F7 5D C2 02 00 21 8A
E 017E 02 00 00 74 1A 00
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