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Unit BoolPos;
{ Version 1.3.3.P.
Requires Borland Turbo Pascal version 6.0 or later to compile.
Author: Bruce J. Lackore. Created Friday, July 23, 1993.
Copyright (c) 1993 Bruce J. Lackore. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
{$IFDEF Test}
{ This unit comprises a function capable of searching a string for multiple
occurences of substrings using Boolean operators. In the search string,
Boolean operators And and Or are defined as follows:
& - And
| - Or
Parentheses are supported for doing multiple searches. Search strings are
submitted as follows:
i.e. In the source string "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"
and the search is for the word blue and the words quick or fox,
the search string is entered as follows:
The way the function is currently written, And (&) and Or (|) have the same
precedence level hence the above search string without parentheses would be
interpretted to be (blue&quick|fox):
blue And quick would be searched for first, the result Or'd with the
results of the search for fox.
Notice the difference in that (blue&(quick|fox)) is a False statement whilst
(blue&quick|fox) is True.
The function will automatically scan for () pairs, adding the necessary )
at the end of the search string or ( at the beginning if required.
The function will also search for (|, |), (& and &) symbols, these being
{ Bug fixes:
10/04/1993: Noticed that length of Src_str in function Next_CPos was
incorrectly calculated because of positioning of INC DI.
INC DI precedes the MOV CL,[ES:DI] causing the function to
consider the first character of Src_str to represent the
length rather than the actual length byte. Fix is to move
the INC DI to the line following the MOV CL,[ES:DI].
Function BPos(Srch_str, Src_str: String; Ignore_case: Boolean): Boolean;
{ This function accepts a source string and a search string as described above
and returns a Boolean value based on whether or not the parsed search
string was found.
{ ************************************************************************** }
Lt_pn: Char = '(';
Rt_pn: Char = ')';
Function Cnt_ch(Scan_char: Char; In_str: String): Byte; Assembler;
{ This function will scan a string for occurences of a particular character.
The function will return the number of occurences.
Asm { Function Cnt_ch }
XOR AX,AX { 0 AX }
MOV BL,Scan_char { Put char to count in BL }
LES SI,In_str { Set ES:SI to point to start of string }
XOR CX,CX { 0 CX }
MOV CL,[ES:SI] { Move string length to CX }
ADD SI,CX { Set ES:SI to point to END of string }
@LOOK: CMP BL,[ES:SI] { Start Loop, compare current char and BL }
JNE @NEXT { If not equal, jump to end of loop }
INC AX { If equal, Inc char cnt (AX) }
@NEXT: DEC SI { Set ES:SI back one character }
LOOP @LOOK { Decrement CX and jump to start of loop }
End; { Function Cnt_ch }
Function Fill_str(Dupe_ch: Char; How_many: Byte): String; Assembler;
{ This function returns How_many of Dupe_char.
Asm { Function Fill_str }
LES DI, @Result { Set ES:DI to function result area }
CLD { Clear direction flag }
XOR CH,CH { 0 CH }
MOV CL,How_many { Length in CX }
MOV AX,CX { and in AX }
STOSB { Store length byte }
MOV AL,Dupe_ch { Put char to dupe in AL }
REP STOSB { Fill string with char }
End; { Function Fill_str }
Function PosC(Srch_ch: Char; Src_str: String): Boolean; Assembler;
{ This function is similar to the Pos function of Pascal except that it
accepts only a single character to search for. This function returns a
True if a Srch_ch is encountered, a False if not.
Asm { Function PosC }
XOR BX,BX { 0 BX }
MOV AL,Srch_ch { Put char to look for in AL }
LES DI,Src_str { Set ES:DI to start of Src_str }
XOR CX,CX { 0 CX }
MOV CL,[ES:DI] { Store length of Src_str in CL }
ADD DI,CX { Set ES:DI to end of string }
STD { Set direction flag }
@LOOK: REPNZ SCASB { Look for AL in Src_str }
JNZ @DONE { If not found, jump to end (BX = 0) }
INC BX { If Found, Inc Bx to 1 = Pascal True }
@DONE: MOV AX,BX { Move BX to AX (return result) }
End; { Function PosC }
Function Last_Cpos(Srch_ch: Char; Src_str: String): Byte; Assembler;
{ This function performs the same function as the Pascal POS function except
that it works only with a single character and rather than returning the
first position the character is found in, it returns the LAST position that
the search character is found in.
Asm { Function Last_Cpos }
MOV AL,Srch_ch { Put char to look for in AL }
LES DI,Src_str { Set ES:DI to start of Src_str }
XOR CX,CX { 0 CX }
MOV CL,[ES:DI] { Move length of Src_str to CL }
ADD DI,CX { Set ES:DI to end of Src_str }
INC CX { Add one to CX (correct for string length }
STD { Set direction flag }
REPNZ SCASB { Look for character in string }
MOV AX,CX { If found CX indicates position, else 0 }
End; { Function Last_Cpos }
Function Next_CPos
(Srch_ch: Char; Src_str: String; Strt_at: Byte): Byte; Assembler;
{ This function searches for the next occurence of Srch_ch in Src_str AFTER
position Strt_at. The function returns the offset from the beginning of
the string, NOT the offset from Strt_at.
Asm { Function Next_CPos }
XOR AX,AX { 0 AX }
MOV AL,Strt_at { Move position to start at to AL }
LES DI,Src_str { Set ES:DI to start of Src_str }
XOR CX,CX { 0 CX }
MOV CL,[ES:DI] { Store length of Src_str in CL }
INC DI { Set ES:DI to first char of Src_str }
MOV BX,CX { Move CX to BX }
SUB CX,AX { Set CX to length of string after Strt_at }
ADD DI,AX { Set ES:DI to char at Strt_at in Src_str }
MOV AL,Srch_ch { Move Srch_ch to AL }
CLD { Clear direction flag }
REPNZ SCASB { Look for character following Strt_at }
JNZ @NOTFND { If not found, jump to end of procedure }
SUB BX,CX { Set BX to position char found in }
JMP @DONE { Jump to end of procedure }
@NOTFND: XOR BX,BX { Srch_ch not found, set BX to 0 }
@DONE: MOV AX,BX { Move position found at (BX) to AX }
End; { Function Next_CPos }
Function Up_cs(In_str: String): String;
{ This function converts In_str to all upper case characters.
Begin { Function Up_cs }
$1E/ { PUSH DS }
$C4/$7E/$0A/ { LES DI,[BP+$0A] }
$C5/$76/$06/ { LDS SI,[BP+$06] }
$30/$E4/ { XOR AH,AH }
$AC/ { LODSB }
$AA/ { STOSB }
$89/$C1/ { MOV CX,AX }
$E3/$0F/ { JCXZ DONE }
$FC/ { CLD }
$3C/$61/ { CMP AL,'a' }
$72/$06/ { JB NEXTCH }
$3C/$7A/ { CMP AL,'z' }
$77/$02/ { JA NEXTCH }
$24/$DF/ { AND AL,$DF }
$E2/$F2/ { LOOP DOCHAR }
$1F) {DONE: POP DS }
End; { Function Up_cs }
Function Fixup_srch_str(Srch_str: String): String;
{ This functions sole purpose in life is to count the number of parantheses
pairs and correct for a deficient number of either by adding the appropriate
character either at the beginning or the end of the search string. This
may not yield the correct result as the searcher intended but is a
requirement of the algorithm (it searches for paran pairs). Note that the
function will add one set of parantheses if none are found. This function
also looks for illegal character pairs (&, &), (| and |), these pairs
indicate an illegal Boolean search. The function returns the corrected
Srch_str if all is well, an empty string if not.
How_many: Integer;
Begin { Function Fixup_srch_str }
Left_para := Cnt_ch(Lt_pn, Srch_str); { Count the parens }
Right_para := Cnt_ch(Rt_pn, Srch_str);
How_many := Abs(Left_para - Right_para); { Get the difference }
If How_many > 0 Then
If Right_para < Left_para Then
Srch_str := Srch_str + Fill_str(Rt_pn, How_many)
Srch_str := Fill_str(Lt_pn, How_many) + Srch_str
If (Srch_str[1] <> Lt_pn) Or { No parens? Add 'em }
(Srch_str[Ord(Srch_str[0])] <> Rt_pn) Then
Srch_str := Lt_pn + Srch_str + Rt_pn;
If (Pos(Lt_pn + '&', Srch_str) <> 0) Or { Illegal call? }
(Pos('&' + Rt_pn, Srch_str) <> 0) Or
(Pos(Lt_pn + '|', Srch_str) <> 0) Or
(Pos('|' + Rt_pn, Srch_str) <> 0) Then
Fixup_srch_str := ''
Fixup_srch_str := Srch_str { All is well }
End; { Function Fixup_srch_str }
Function Parse_srch_str(Srch_str, Src_str: String): String;
{ This function simply extracts each string to search for, tests to see if
it exists in the original string and replaces the extracted substring with
the appropriate token. It should be noted that each substring is determined
solely by the characters used for parantheses. Any other characters are
assumed to be part of the search string (except the & and | operators).
Each substring is searched for in the original Search_str and its presense
or absense noted with a T or F respectively.
Token_str: String;
End_token: Boolean;
Begin { Function Parse_srch_str }
Token_str := '';
Rtn_str := '';
While Srch_str <> '' Do
If (Srch_str[1] In [Lt_pn, Rt_pn, '&', '|']) Then { Token starts? }
End_token := (Token_str <> ''); { End of token? If not }
If Not(End_token) Then { then start one. }
Rtn_str := Rtn_str + Srch_str[1]
Token_str := Token_str + Srch_str[1]; { Add a char to substring }
End_token := False
If End_token Then { If complete token, look }
Begin { for it in the source str }
If Pos(Token_str, Src_str) <> 0 Then
Rtn_str := Rtn_str + 'T' { If found, return T }
Rtn_str := Rtn_str + 'F'; { If not, return F }
Rtn_str := Rtn_str + Srch_str[1];
Token_str := ''; { Reset to look for more }
End_token := False
End; { If End_token }
Delete(Srch_str, 1, 1) { Delete the char just
processed and start again
End; { While Srch_str <> '' }
Parse_srch_str := Rtn_str
End; { Function Parse_srch_str }
Function Process_token_str(Token_str: String): Char;
One_token: String;
Left_para: Byte;
Function Process_one_token_str(The_token: String): Char;
Lcv: Byte;
Do_and: Boolean;
Begin { Function Process_one_token_str }
Curr_answer := (The_token[1] = 'T'); { Establish current answer
by checking first token.
For Lcv := 2 to Length(The_token) Do { Look at the rest of the
token str.
Case The_token[Lcv] of { Boolean op is And }
'&': Do_and := True; { Boolean op is Or }
'|': Do_and := False;
'T': If Do_and Then
Curr_answer := Curr_answer And True { If And }
Curr_answer := True; { If Or }
'F': If Do_and Then { If And (Or stays T) }
Curr_answer := False;
End; { Case }
If Curr_answer Then { Final result }
Process_one_token_str := 'T'
Process_one_token_str := 'F'
End; { Function Process_one_token_str }
Begin { Function Process_token_str }
{ Are parens present? If so process as tokenized phrase, if not, final
result has been received.
If PosC(Lt_pn, Token_str) Then
While Length(Token_str) > 1 Do
{ Find leftmost left paren }
Left_para := Last_Cpos(Lt_pn, Token_str);
{ Find first right paren after leftmost left paren }
One_token_len :=
Succ(Next_CPos(Rt_pn, Token_str, Left_para) - Left_para);
{ Copy everything between the two }
One_token := Copy(Token_str, Left_para, One_token_len);
{ Remove the parens }
Delete(One_token, 1, 1);
{ Remove the original substring from the phrase }
Delete(Token_str, Left_para, One_token_len);
{ Insert the resultant single character in place of the old
Insert(Process_one_token_str(One_token), Token_str, Left_para)
End; { While Length(Token_str) > 1 }
Process_token_str := Token_str[1]
Process_token_str := Process_one_token_str(One_token)
End; { Function Process_token_str }
Function BPos;
Begin { Function BPos }
If Ignore_case Then
Srch_str := Up_cs(Srch_str);
Src_str := Up_cs(Src_str)
End; { If Ignore_case }
{ Is this a Boolean expression? If so process with this function, else
process with Pascal POS function.
If PosC('|', Srch_str) Or PosC('&', Srch_str) Then
Srch_str := Parse_srch_str(Fixup_srch_str(Srch_str), Src_str);
If Srch_str <> '' Then
BPos := (Process_token_str(Srch_str) = 'T')
BPos := Pos(Srch_str, Src_str) <> 0
End; { Function BPos }
End. { Unit BoolPos }
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