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CSUBSTR.PAS in MISC.SWG 0123 01/01 37/47 79%
Bug: if nrchars specifies more characters than remain starting at the
start position, Str2 will contain nrchars characters. This is fixed.
procedure CopySubStr( Str1: string; start, nrchars: byte; var Str2: string );
{ copy part of Str1 (beginning at start for nrchars) to Str2
if start > length of Str1, Str2 will contain a empty string.
if nrchars specifies more characters than remain starting at the
start position, Str2 will contain just that remainder of Str1. }
asm { setup }
push ds { save DS }
cld { string operations forward }
lds si, str1 { load in DS:SI pointer to str1 }
les di, str2 { load in ES:DI pointer to str2 }
mov ah, [si] { length str1 --> AH }
and ah, ah { length str1 = 0? }
je @null { yes, empty string in Str2 }
mov bl, [start] { starting position --> BL }
cmp ah, bl { start > length str1? }
jb @null { yes, empty string in Str2 }
{ start + nrchars - 1 > length str1? }
mov al, [nrchars]{ nrchars --> AL }
mov dh, al { nrchars }
add dh, bl { + start }
jc @rest { if overflow copy rest of str1 }
dec dh { - 1 }
cmp ah, dh { nrchars > rest of str1? }
jb @rest { yes, copy rest of str1 }
jmp @copy
@null: xor ax, ax { return a empty string }
jmp @done
@rest: sub ah, bl { length str1 - start }
inc ah
mov al, ah
@copy: mov cl, al { how many chars to copy }
xor ch, ch { clear CH }
xor bh, bh { clear BH }
add si, bx { starting position }
mov dx, di { save pointer to str2 }
inc di { don't overwrite length str2 }
rep movsb { copy part str1 to str2 }
mov di, dx { restore pointer to str2 }
@done: mov [di], al { overwrite length byte of str2 }
@exit: pop ds { restore DS }
end { CopySubStr };
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