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> Does anyone have any bbs routines that they recommend. I'd prefer if
>it came With source but one that doesn't is good. Mostly I want the
>modem routines. Also does anyone have a routine to answer the phone and
>tell the baud rate of connection? I working on a bbs Program (mostly
>just For myself, small and quick) and Im doing it from scratch. Im have
>some communication routines but Im looking For others made For bbs's.
Dos, Crt;
REGS : Registers;
Function CheckRing(Comport : Byte) : Boolean;
fill(Regs, SizeOf(Regs), 0); {Reset All Registers}
Regs.AH := 3;
Regs.DX := Comport - 1;
Intr($14, Regs);
CheckRing:= ((Regs.Al and $40) = $40);
The Function comes back True only when a ring is currently happening so
you can:
Until CheckRing(2); {Or Whatever comport}
Delay(1000); {Give it a sec}
Writeln_Fossil('ATA'); {Or Whatever you use to Interface w/ the fossil}
While not CarrierDetect do Delay(250); {Suffecient Time}
Well that should answer the phone, now if you want to check the baud
you can read a line from the modem or something.
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