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> How do I set a pixel in that mode (800x600x256) ?
If the computer has a VESA driver installed, you can do it the same as you
would for 320x200 (13h). You would first change the video mode to the
correct one and then plot the point. The trouble is that every video card
has different mode numbers for the different modes.
Resolution Manuf. Mode # Chip
320x200 All 13h All
640x480 ATI 62h All
640x480 Chips&Tech 79h 452,453
640x480 Paradise 5Fh All
640x480 Trident 5Dh All
640x480 Tseng 2Eh All
640x480 Video7 67h All
640x480 Genoa 5Ch All
800x600 ATI 63h All
800x600 Chips&Tech 7Bh 453
800x600 Tseng 30h All
800x600 Video7 69h All
1024x768 Trident 62h 8900
1024x768 Tseng 38h ET4000
Ploting a Pixel
To plot a pixel you would use the following Pascal Procedure:
Procedure Plot(x,y:integer; color:byte); assembler;
mov bh,0
mov cx,x { sets x coordinate }
mov dx,y { sets y coordinate }
mov al,color { sets color (0-255) }
mov ah,0Ch { tells video to plot a point }
int 10h
The x coordinate is moved into cx, the y coordinate is moved into dx and
the color is moved into al. You must make sure that color is a BYTE
variable. It can go from 0-255. When you pass the color, it either must
be from a byte variable or it must be 'variable mod 256' (where
'variable' is some integer type variable).
This example uses inline assembler. To do anything significant with the SVGA
you either have to use assembler or find a good BGI file or unit that will do
it for you.
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