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{gravity type program modified by þMr. Krinkleþ}
uses {vgaSCRN,}crt;
const Balls = 900; {if program too fast increase: if too slow decrease}
type movement= record
x, y : integer; { position }
dx, dy : integer; { velocity }
ddx, ddy : integer; { acceleration }
color : integer;
MaxYValue: integer;
VAR ch : char; {for readkey}
I : integer;
Ball : array[1..BAlls] of movement;
procedure PutDot(x,y,color:integer);
Mem[$a000{VGA_Segment}:(y*320)+x] := color;
Procedure VideoMode ( Mode : Byte );
Begin { VideoMode }
Mov AH,00
Mov AL,Mode
Int 10h
End; { VideoMode }
videoMODE($13); {320x200x256c}
{init all balls}
FOR I:=1 to BAlls do BEGIN
With ball[i] do BEGIN
ddx := 0; { constant horizontal acceleration } {gravity < or >}
ddy := 0; { constant vertical acceleration } {gravity ^ or v }
{ in this case there is NO gravity pull from ANY direction: ... weightless}
dx := Random(2)-1; { initial velocity < or >}
dy := -1; { initial velocity ^ or v}
x := i mod 305+random(15)+1; { initial coordinates, as }
y := I mod 190+random(10)+1; { you specified }
{320 * 200 positioning : take I and remainder when divided by 'balls'
to produce a sequential increment that
does not over flow 320 or 200; plus a random
to give the fuzzy line effect}
color:=Random( I div ((I div 254)+1)) + 1; {Each Balls color}
{ This formula will take a loop from 1 to [any number]
and make it so it will increment from 1 to 255
[valid color assignments]}
MaxYValue:=Y+1; {future use only}
END; {with}
END; {for do loop}
WHILE not(keypressed) do begin
FOR i:=1 to Balls do BEGIN
With ball[i] do BEGIN
putdot(x, y, 0); { blank out the pixel drawn on the last iteration }
dx := dx + ddx; { updating velocity }
dy := dy + ddy;
x := x + dx; { updating position }
y := y + dy;
IF x< 1 then begin {hits left of screen}
dx:=dx*-1; {moves it to the right}
IF x > 319 then begin {hits right of screen}
x :=319;
dx:=-dx; {moves it to the left}
IF y > 190 then begin { BOUNCE! }
y := 190;
dy := -dy; {not used: all object float upward not down}
putdot(x, y, color); { draw the pixel at the new position }
END; {for do loop}
videoMODe($3); {back to text mode}
end. {PROGRAM}
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