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º °°Proc°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° PutPic °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° º
Procedure PutPic(X: Word;Y:Byte;VAR sprt;W,H:Byte;Where:Word); ASSEMBLER;
{W=Width of sprite, H=Height Sprt=an array of pixels}
{ This puts an sprite, EXCEPT it's color 0 (black) pixels, onto the screen
"where"(VAddr1/VGA etc.), at position X,Y }
_Redraw, _DrawLoop, _Exit, _LineLoop, _NextLine, _Ignore;
push ds { Save DS for later }
and bl, 0
mov es, where {Move segment address of Where into ES:DI's segment}
lds si, Sprt { loads the address of Sprt into DS:SI }
mov di, x { Move x location into DI }
{Work out (y*320)+x}
mov bh, y { bx = y*256 }
mov ax, bx { make another copy of y in ax}
shr ax, 2 { y2 = y2 * 64}
add bx, ax { Work out y location : y = y1+y2 (y=y*320) }
add di, bx { finalise location (Y*320)+X }
mov ah, H { ah = Height of sprite }
cld {Clear direction flag (DI inc's)}
and ch, 0
mov al, W {Move in width }
{Register usage:
BX = Comparison of byte
CX = Across counter
DX = 'Pushed' DI}
mov dx,di { Store offset for later }
mov cl,al { move width into CX }
mov bl,byte ptr [si]
or bl,bl { checks if zero }
jz _Ignore {if Color=0 then ignore it}
loop _LineLoop {Repeat CX times (Repeat for the width of sprite)}
jmp _NextLine {Then go on to next line}
inc si {DS:SI = Sprite Array (inc SI = Next pixel)}
inc di {Inc Mem locs ES:DI = incr. target location}
loop _LineLoop {Continues reading the line}
mov di,dx {Restore x/y Vid.mem loc.}
dec ah {Decrease height (Move down a line)}
jz _Exit {If Height=0(Reached end of sprite) then exit }
add di,140h {else : di = Move to next line in Vid.Mem }
jmp _DrawLoop {Jump back to the draw loop}
pop ds { Restore DS }
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